Principal's Message



From the Principal

School Year 2023-2024

December 2023

P.S. 80Q Families,

As we enter the month of December, the final month of 2023 academic school year, I am asking each of you take a moment and reflect on the many accomplishments that have been accomplished and tackled thus far. Our scholars are in a routine in our school community and are aware of the daily expectations for behavior and learning. I am super proud of our PS 80Q Foxes for the hard work they have and continue to put in each and every day. I would also like to thank all of the PS 80Q parents, guardians, and school community for being hands on in our building and being present.

Parents, continue to work with your scholar by practicing reading, writing, and math facts on a daily basis. Also, daily everyday living skills that include but are not limited to tying shoelaces, zipping up their jackets, buttoning their shirts, learning their phone numbers/addresses, etc. Too many of our scholars do not know the basics that should be taught prior to attending school. You are your scholar’s first teacher! If this applies to your child, I am kindly asking that you work with your child on these items every evening until they master each task. Our teamwork and collaboration will push our scholars to the next level academically and prepare them to become proficient with the mastery of all grade level standards.

As we all know, the weather is getting colder outside as we have entered the winter season. Ensure you are sending your child to school with the appropriate winter clothing so that are scholars are keeping warm as they are traveling to and from school and during recess. As long as the weather is appropriate, I always try to provide an opportunity for scholars to have some outdoor recess time to get exercise, some fresh air, and the opportunity to engage with their classmates. Thank you for your participation with this matter.

School begins at 8:00 A.M and ends at 2:20 P.M. Please ensure that you drop off and pick up your scholar on time. Remind caregivers to pick up your scholar timely, if you are not the one doing it. We have too many scholars arriving to school and being picked up late. Be punctual as we at P.S. 80 teach our scholars. I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. If you need anything, always know that the doors at PS 80Q are always open. Be safe and I look forward to working with you in the new school year as we return in January 2024!

Instructionally Yours,

Ms. Maura McShane, Principal

November 2023

P.S. 80Q Families,

In the blink of an eye, November 2023 is here! I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the hard work that you do day in and day out - to ensure the academic success of your child/children. We must treasure each day and be grateful for the positive moments in our lives. Both teamwork and collaboration will promote the success of all PS 80Q scholars.

The fall testing window has closed for all beginning of the year assessments in ELA and math. On November 2, 2023 all scholars will have a ½ Day of school due to parent teacher conferences. Dismissal for all scholars will be 11:30 AM sharp. Your child’s classroom teacher will share all beginning of year data from the assessments completed across all content areas. If you have not received an appointment in regard to the time for your conference, please reach out to the school so that we can assist you with setting up a conference time. It is important that you implement your classroom teacher’s suggestions to reinforce skills at home that should be practiced daily.

Parents, it is imperative that you assist and support your child with their academics at home. Ensure that they are completing all homework and assignments given by their teachers. Practice reading, writing, and math facts daily. Engage scholars in conversations by asking questions, asking their opinions and reasoning behind their thoughts, etc. We must teach our scholars to be independent and critical thinkers. Gradually release the learning and support when needed, which enables scholars to “think and do” on their own. Also, all scholars in grades K - 2 should be practicing at home -all daily living skills such as tying their shoelaces, zipping up their coat and buttoning their clothes, learning important phone numbers, their home address, etc. Many of our scholars are having difficulty with basics. Practice makes perfect!

November is a time to be thankful as we celebrate Thanksgiving. If you have any change in phone numbers or address changes, please inform and call our main office so that we can update our system. Be mindful of our school hours from 8: 00 A.M - 2:20 P.M. Breakfast begins at 7:30 AM - scholars must be on time so that instructional minutes are not lost at any juncture. Dismissal is at 2:20. Any scholar being picked up late, must be signed out. I need your support with this item. As always, I appreciate all that you do for your child and our school community. Remember, we have an open door policy at PS 80Q. If you need any support or have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or stop by our main office. Stay safe and be well!

Instructionally Yours,

Ms. Maura McShane, Principal

September 2023

P.S. 80Q Families,

Happy September PS 80Q Foxes! I am so excited to begin the school year and work collaboratively with all the families at PS 80Q. We welcome our returning scholars and families and would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new families as they are joining our school community for the first time. We welcome you ALL with open arms!

I look forward to engaging each and every scholar in the learning process by incorporating hands on learning. With all hands on deck, we will prepare scholars for a future where they are college and career ready!

Breakfast will be served from 7:30 AM -7:55 AM for all scholars in grades K - 5. Scholars who are not eating breakfast will use the main entrance for arrival and meet their class in the cafeteria at 8:00 AM. Our 3K and Pre K scholars will be dropped off and picked up on the PreK wing, which is located by the school playground. All 3k and Pre K scholars will eat breakfast and lunch in their classrooms. It is imperative that all scholars arrive to school on time and are present every day. Scholars are considered late after 8:15 AM.

Monday through Thursday we are a uniform school. Our new school colors are orange and navy blue as we represent the PS 80Q Foxes. Friday is “Dress Down Funday Friday”. Scholars may dress down in comfortable and appropriate clothes. Please be reminded that all scholars should have closed toe shoes for safety purposes.

This academic school year we will ensure your child is engaged in learning through listening, speaking, writing and reading through all content areas. Ensure you check your child’s book bag each night for information from the school. It is important that you keep all contact information current for your child and update any changes in the main office with our secretaries. I look forward to working with you all and having a successful start to the new school year! Be safe and be well!

Instructionally Yours,

Ms. McShane, Principal

Download the Newsletter



Hispanic Heritage Month:
September 15th - October 15th

9/13: PTA Meeting: 6:30 PM
9/14: Meet the Teacher: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (remote)
9/15: Rosh Hashanah Begins
9/21: Dad’s Take Your Child to School Day: 7:45 AM
9/25: Yom Kippur - NO SCHOOL
9/26: Positive Parent Workshop: 9:15 AM (in - person)
9/28: Grandparents Breakfast: 9:00 AM

We are a uniform school Monday through Thursday.
Use the school store website to order your uniform by 9/10/23.



School Calendar

School Food


Testing Dates

December Gentle Reminders:

  • December 6th: PTA Meeting @ 6:30 PM via Zoom.
  • December 7th: CEC Meeting @ 6:30 PM via Zoom.
  • December 8th: photos with Santa: $7.00
  • December 8th: Title 1 @5:00 PM via Zoom.
  • December 8th: Student of the Month & Birthday Recognition @ 5:00 PM via Zoom.
  • December 11th-15th: PTA Holiday Penguin Patch Sale
  • December 13th: Winter Wonderland Event: hosted by the PTA
  • December 14th: SLT @ 4:30 PM via Zoom.
  • December 19th: Positive Parenting Workshop.
  • December 25th - January 1st: Winter Recess